License Policy
Introduction of licenses according to the type of distribution provided by Badger Project.
License policy according to disclosing form of our assets
- Open source information data: ODC-By 1.0 License (Open Data Commons Attribution License v1.0)
- Source code: Apache 2.0 License
- Contents excluding the open source information data and the source code: CC-BY-2.0 License
WARNINGRestrictions on excessive traffic
The information provided by the OSORI project can be used complimentary by anyone under the above license.
However, if a user leads to the excessive traffic on our server, the service may be interrupted,
and we may restrict the concerning user with his/her specific IPs to access the server without prior notice.
Disclaimer of warranties
- The OSORI project strives to provide as accurate information as possible through cross-validation. Nevertheless, there may be incorrect information included.
- The information provided by the OSORI project cannot be used as a basis for legal disputes.
- The OSORI project does not guarantee viability for any type of damage caused by the use of our information data, source codes, and any form of assets.